Wallace State paying artistic tribute to the Beatles

HANCEVILLE, Ala. — It’s been 50 years since the Beatles made the leap from across the pond to shake up the music scene in America. Their influence is still being felt today and will on display as the Wallace State Singers present “Revolution: A Musical Celebration of the Beatles.”
“The Beatles have been and continue to be an influence,” said Tiffany Richter, director of the production that includes contributions from theatre, music and art students. “We felt that as a tribute to them, 50 years after the British Invasion, that we would celebrate their music through these performances.”
The 45-member cast will perform four different shows featuring songs by the Beatles. A 9:30 a.m. show on April 24 at Betty Leeth Haynes Theatre is a Learning Communities event for Wallace State students.
The next three shows will be at 7 p.m., April 24-26, also at Betty Leeth Haynes Theatre. These shows are open to the public, with an admission fee of $7 for adults, $5 for students and free for children 5 and under. Tickets can be purchased in advance from any cast member or at the Burrow Center for Fine and Performing Arts on the WSCC campus. Tickets can also be purchased at the door.
Richter said you would hear many of the major hits most commonly associated with the Beatles, as well as a few songs that only the most ardent Beatles fans know originated with the Fab Four. You’ll also hear some of the songs as new arrangements.
“We’re trying to be true to the Beatles while being as creative as we can with the songs,” Richter said. “You may hear a song in its original pop format or as classical madrigal, rockabilly, reggae or jazz. I think it’s a testament to the songwriting that we can perform them in different styles.”
Along with the music, dance, comedy, live action painting and video representation will be utilized during the performances. “It’s going to be an all-out artistic explosion,” Richter said. “This is an experience in art, using the way we ingest and perform art to celebrate this music.”
Richter said she has gained a deeper respect for the Beatles after immersing herself in their music while working on “Revolution.”
“Listening to it and taking everything away, I realized the brilliance of the songwriting,” she said.
Richter said other Beatles fans will love the show and she encourages those who don’t think of themselves as Beatles fans to give them another listen.
“I hope many people take the opportunity to see these shows,” Richter said. “I think they will be well entertained and surprised at how widespread the Beatles’ influence has reached.”
“Revolution: A Musical Celebration of the Beatles” is part of the annual Arts in April events hosted at Wallace State. The list of events planned for Arts in April include:
— Art Exhibition, April 14-26 in the Burrow Center, 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday
— Piano performance by Katherine Vest, Piano 1st place winner at the 2014 Alabama Federated Music Clubs Auditions, 12:15 p.m., April 15, Burrow Recital Hall
— WSCC Jazz Band’s Big Band Ballroom Dance, 7 p.m., April 18 at Burrow Center, $15 donation
— WSCC Jazz Band at Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame, April 19 at Carver Theatre, Birmingham; time to be announced
— Musician and composer Kurt Heineke (Veggie Tales), 9:30 a.m., April 21 at Betty Leeth Haynes Theatre
— Mezzo Soprano Margaret Gill and Tenor Shane Bloemetje, with Mike Sparks accompanying, 12:15 p.m., April 22, Burrow Recital Hall
— Student Convocation, 12:15 p.m., April 24 at Burrow Recital Hall
— Beatles Revolution, 9:30 a.m., April 24 at Betty Leeth Haynes Theatre
— Beatles Revolution, 7 p.m., April 24-26 at Betty Leeth Haynes Theatre, $7 adults, $5 students, free ages 5 and under
— Art Exhibition Artists’ Reception, 10 a.m. to noon, April 26, Burrow Center
— WSCC Concert Band, 9:30 a.m. April 29, Burrow Recital Hall
— WSCC Concert Band, 7 p.m., May 1, Burrow Recital Hall
For updates and more information about Arts in April, visit www.wallacestate.edu/artsinapril, or call 256.352.8277 or 866.350.9722.