Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

The Evelyn Burrow Museum to host National Watercolor Society exhibit

HANCEVILLE, Ala. — The Evelyn Burrow Museum at Wallace State Community College will host the National Watercolor Society (NWS) 94th International Exhibition starting July 18. Dozens of watercolors will line the exhibit hall of the Burrow Center for Fine and Performing Arts for all to view.
A Jury of Selection for the NWS who viewed nearly 850 entries from across the United States, Europe, Africa, China and Southeast Asia chose the 79 images in the main exhibit. A selection of 30 paintings will be in the traveling exhibit coming to Wallace State.
According to the exhibition catalog, “The entries of this international exhibit reflect the versatility and the energy of the many aspects of contemporary water-media. They represent the excitement globally of what is being done to express the rich array of cultural context and content.
The jurors look for work that is fresh and thought provoking. “We would like to honor the artists who searched for ways to say something visually which is authentic in content and has authority in delivery, artists whose careful balance between form and content produce a well-thought-out and effectively presented painting that encourages viewers to interact with it on a personal level,” the write.
The exhibit hall in the Burrow Center for Fine and Performing Arts is open during regular campus hours, Monday through Saturday. The Evelyn Burrow Museum is open Tuesday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Admission is free.
For more information about current exhibits, call 256.352.8457 or visit
Starbucks, a watercolor painting by Xiao Chang Zang is the National Watercolor Society Purchase Award with Silver Star winner in The National Watercolor Society 94th International Exhibition. It along with more than two dozen other paintings will be on display in the exhibit hall of The Evelyn Burrow Museum at Wallace State Community College.
Starbucks, a watercolor painting by Xiao Chang Zang is the National Watercolor Society Purchase Award with Silver Star winner in The National Watercolor Society 94th International Exhibition. It along with more than two dozen other paintings will be on display in the exhibit hall of The Evelyn Burrow Museum at Wallace State Community College.

Hearts in Hearts, a watercolor painting by Soon Young Warren Zang is the National Watercolor Society Masters Award winner in The National Watercolor Society 94th International Exhibition. It along with more than two dozen other paintings will be on display in the exhibit hall of The Evelyn Burrow Museum at Wallace State Community College.
Hearts in Hearts, a watercolor painting by Soon Young Warren Zang is the National Watercolor Society Masters Award winner in The National Watercolor Society 94th International Exhibition. It along with more than two dozen other paintings will be on display in the exhibit hall of The Evelyn Burrow Museum at Wallace State Community College.