WaLLI Member Celebrates 90th Birthday

“It was a bumpy ride,” Lutzky stated as she arrived for the celebration.
At 90 years old Lutzky is a treasurer of several clubs including three sewing clubs, a model airplane club and is a member of two bowling leagues.
Fellow member of sewing club Stitch and Knit and friend of Lutzky’s, Robin Lambert, was one of the many who helped put together the special event.
“I always have some sort of mixed nuts at my house and when Marilyn comes over she always eats all of the cashews out of them,” said Robin Lambert. “That’s why we only have cashews here.”’
As Marilyn’s friends and family arrived she blew out her candles but before she did she wanted to let everyone know on her 100th birthday she would take a parachute jump out of an airplane.
“My grandmother lived to be 103 and I am hoping that I’m taking after her,” Lutsky said.
During Lutzky’s party she had several special guests to stop by including Melinda Edwards, who is the WaLLi Program Coordinator, and the Mayor of Cullman, Woody Jacobs.
Marilyn got involved with WaLLi because she and some friends had heard about it so they attended the informational meeting that was held for it. She said they were enthused over it. Since becoming a WaLLi member she has attended concerts and luncheons at Wallace State and has taken day trips around Alabama as well. WaLLi, the Wallace State Lifelong Learning Institute, is open to area residents 50 and older, and provides access to special services, classes, and events across campus.
When asked what she credits her long life to she responded with, “Do whatever you want to do and eat whatever you want to eat and stay away from doctors.”