Wallace State Respiratory Therapy program celebrating Respiratory Care Week Oct. 25-31

HANCEVILLE, Ala. — Wallace State Community College’s Respiratory Therapy program is celebrating Respiratory Care Week Oct. 25-31. It is a week set aside to appreciate and acknowledge hard working respiratory therapists around the world.
At perhaps no other time in history have the efforts of respiratory therapists been more appreciated than during the ongoing pandemic that has affected millions. Those who were facing the most serious symptoms were relying on respiratory therapists to provide oxygen they needed to breathe.
Respiratory Care Week started in 1982 with a proclamation signed by President Ronald Reagan declaring the third week of October as National Respiratory Care Week. On the Wednesday of that week, Lung Health Day will be celebrated as another way to promote respiratory care and lung health awareness.
Wallace State’s Respiratory Therapy program is a six-semester degree program. The program accepts new students each fall, with applications accepted from March 1 to June 1 each year. One semester of pre-requisite courses is required before applying to the program. Those classes could be taken in the upcoming spring semester. Priority registration will begin Nov. 17.
For more information about the Wallace State Respiratory Therapy program, visit www.wallacestate.edu or call 256.352.8000.