Career expo for 8th-10th graders set for April 6 and 7 at Wallace State

North AlabamaWorks Assistant Director Stephanie McCulloch speaks at a 2020 Cullman Area Chamber of Commerce Community Luncheon.
Worlds of Work, a career expo designed for middle and high school students featuring top employers, is coming to Wallace State’s Tom Drake Coliseum on April 6-7. The expo will be hosted by North AlabamaWorks, Wallace State, Cullman Economic Development Agency, Cullman County Economic Development, and the Cullman Area Chamber of Commerce.
In 8th grade, students begin to explore career options, and in 9th and 10th grades they begin to plan career pathways. WOW provides an opportunity for students to understand the steps needed to pursue a particular career. WOW emphasizes high-paying career options available through career tech courses, dual enrollment, industry certifications, associate degrees, and on-the-job training that are attainable without the burden of college debt. Many companies offer apprenticeships to help fast-track students and develop their career paths.
The Worlds of Work Career Expo is a fun, educational, interactive, hands-on opportunity for students to learn about high-demand, high-wage career opportunities available close to home. WOW is designed to create awareness of exciting career options for students, while also addressing workforce needs in the region. WOW partners are working with county and city school systems in the Cullman County area to provide this unique educational experience for 3,500 8th, 9th and 10th grade students.
Interactive displays from local companies and organizations will be on site, featuring industries such as agriculture, construction, business/finance, communications/marketing, cybersecurity/information technology, education/training, energy/utilities, healthcare, public safety, modern manufacturing, and transportation/logistics.
“We are so appreciative of our WOW partners, exhibitors, and volunteers for their dedication to local students,’’ says Stephanie McCulloch, Executive Director of North AlabamaWorks. “Whether it is teaching a student about an in-demand career option or connecting the employers with the younger generation, this event will make a difference in the Cullman County community.”
For more information about the Worlds of Work event or to sign up as a participating company, visit