Wallace State hosting OTA/PTA Alumni Connection March 17

HANCEVILLE, Ala. — The Wallace State Community College Alumni Association, Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) and Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) programs announced plans for the 2022 OTA and PTA Alumni Connection event on March 17, at the James C. Bailey Center.
The event offers current Wallace State students and professionals in the fields of Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy the opportunity to network and earn continuing education credits.
The 8 a.m. keynote speaker will be Sandy Hanebrink, OTR/L, CLP, FAOTA, the executive director of Touch the Future, Inc., based out of Anderson, S.C. “Rise Again Like the Phoenix: A Journey of Beating the Odds” will be the subject of Hanebrink’s presentation, detailing her personal story after becoming paralyzed in 1987. She will share her journey and how therapy, assistive technology, perspective, perseverance, opportunities, and chance have led to an amazing life, career, and ability to walk again after 35 years using the amazing exoskeleton – PhoeniX.
Breakout sessions will begin at 10:20 and continue throughout the day. Sessions include:
- Teepa Snow’s Positive Approach to Care: “Normal Aging/Not Normal Aging”
- Electrotherapy: Improving Clinical Outcomes
- Community Access and Inclusion
- Power Wheelchair Evaluation and Documentation
- Retrain the Pain
- Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
The event is open to the public and all participant fees are inclusive of continuing education courses with related materials, continental breakfast, lunch, and breaks. Courses meet the continuing education guideline provided by the Alabama Board of Physical Therapy and the Alabama Board of Occupational Therapy. Participants attending sessions during the scheduled time slots can earn a total of up to 6 contact hours of continuing education credit for this event.
Registration fees range from $100 to $200 for professionals depending on Alumni membership status and date of reservation. The deadline for online registration is March 11. The fee for students currently enrolled in the Wallace State PTA or OTA programs is $15. Visit www.wsccalumni.org/connect22 to register for the event or call 256.352.8071.